- Create a MySQL database, user, and password for Concerto to use.
- Import schema.sql and data.sql into the database. schema.sql is critical for all new installations, data.sql contains some really important starter data, as well as a sampling from our support center. At the minimum, a new installation requires schema.sql and the top of data.sql imported in that order. The support center isn’t required, but it may be linked to on various pages.
- Upload Concerto to a web-accessible folder on your server.
- Create a copy of config.inc.php.sample and name it config.inc.php.
- Edit config.inc.php with the following settings:
- $db_host - Should match the server running MySQL. Commonly this is ‘localhost’
- $db_login - The user just created to access the Concerto MySQL database
- $db_password - The password for the user
- $db_database - The database containing all the Concerto tables
Core Settings:
The define(‘ROOT_DIR’, ‘/var/www/’); line should be updated to the full path to the Concerto install, including a trailing slash (/).
If Concerto is being served in your webserver via a subdirectory, you will need to update the ROOT_URL. Update the define statement controlling the ROOT URL to represent the path to that subdirectory. For example, if Concerto was to be access at http://localhost/concerto the ROOT_URL should contain /concerto/. A simple / will indicate concerto is being served from the root directory.
The system_email variable should also be updated to match an email address that represents the administrators of the system. Users will be pointed to this email if they need to contact you for support. Additionally, email generated by Concerto will use this as a return address.
Save your changes to this file.
- Your web server will require write access to the /content directory and its subdirectories. Adjust your permissions accordingly with chmod and chown.
- Visit install/diagnostics.php in a web browser to see if anything fails (everything should PASS). This script tests the server requirements and some of the configuration options set in steps 5 and 6.
- Concerto uses a scheduled job to process updates on a regular interval. The script located in common/scripts/cron.php should be executed at least every hour. Running this script at a faster interval, such as every 5-10 minutes, will ensure faster updates of information in the system. If your server has shell access, install a cronjob that runs the /path/to/concerto/common/scripts.php at a regular interval. For example, a line like this may due the job if you can run php from the command line. */5 * * * * php-cgi /var/www/common/scripts/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
If you can’t run php from the command line, using wget can accomplish the same effect.
*/5 * * * * wget –delete-after –quiet http://localhost/common/scripts/cron.php
- Delete the install directory, or leave it around. Its not important, but you might not want people knowing how you setup this thing.
- Enjoy your Concerto installation!